Creative Design Ideas

Being a designer is not an easy job. This is the profession which demands an extensively creative mind with a sound knowledge of user behavior and preferences. However, there comes a time when every situation turns against you. And in result, you experience a massive creative block that lessens your work quality quite drastically.

Well, to overcome such a turmoil, TED talks are one of the finest ways. A platform where top class innovators, designers and inspirational speakers participate from all over the world to share their experiences and help people bring a change to their life.

Therefore, we have listed down four extremely useful TED Talks every designer must watch to rejuvenate his creative thoughts. We are damn sure that after watching these videos, you will not only get back to the rhythm, but will also learn various techniques to polish your creative approach towards work.

  • How giant websites design for you (and a billion others too)

If you are designing for reputable brands and always in search of results-driven design methodology to improve your performance, this is the video you should look out for. Here, in this TED Talk, Facebook’s Director of Product Design, Margaret Gould Stewart shares her expert opinions on digital design and discusses 3 foolproof rules of design that should be incorporated while working with big brands.

  • Designing books is no laughing matter. OK, it is. – Chip Kidd

The definition of a good design has gone through prominent changes with the passage of time. Now, it keeps the selling perspective of a design on top of everything.

This is the point Chip Kidd has highlighted throughout his inspirational talk and explained how to create a compelling book cover and make it sell better.

  • Designers – Think big! – Tim Brown

Tim Brown urges designers to think more than just designing. In fact, he wants every designer to come out of his comfort zone and play a bigger role. To make his session worth listening, Tim backed his points with real-life examples and started with 19th-century design thinker Isambard Kingdom Brunel.

  • Four lessons in creativity – Julie Burstein

We all know Julie Burstein, a famous radio personality. In her TED Talk, she shared four amazing lessons that tell how you can be creative even during unfavorable situations and losses.