Website Designs

When it comes to the digital world, a user always has the power to set trends. And for this, web designers go overboard to make sure that their web designs are connecting well with the intended audiences and driving results by providing visitors with a pleasant user experience.

However, disabled users perceive things differently and if you have a target audience that might have any sort of disability, then you certainly have to work in accordance with the need. With this, we generally mean that your web design should contain clear visuals and navigational components to easily convey the information your potential audience is looking for.

Therefore, we thought to give this topic a considerable importance by highlight a couple of key web design factors. We are sure that these factors will turn out to be fruitful for offering a great user experience to disabled users.

Let’s get started!

  • Put Emphasize On Alt Tags

From SEO perspective, Alt tag is a compulsory item that indicates Google bots to crawl an image. But, this particular aspect also works out incredibly well for people who have visual impairment and use screen reader to overcome the problem.

Alt tags, if implemented properly, are read aloud due to which a user instantly gets an idea of what the image is all about. So, make sure to use alt tags as a serious indicator to cater the needs of your prospects.

  • Prominent Clickable Areas

Ask yourself a very practical question.

What is your first priority when designing a website for mobile users?

You make clickable areas visible so that taking actions become convenient for your respective readers, right? Similarly, this is what you should do while designing a website for disabled prospects. Make sure that all clickable areas are super large without overlaps. As this way, such people will not have go through any trouble during the time of making decisions.

  • Write Meaningful Yet to-the-point Content

Unlike other users, who can bear with long form content, the same can’t be expected from disabled users. They like things in an extremely meaningful yet to-the-point style. So, keeping in view this aspect, you need to give deliberate touch to your content and style it in a way that helps your readers identify the core points quite easily.

  • Be Wise with Color Selection

Excessive experiments with color selection can cause complications for your readers to perceive things. The simple rule is to imply traditional black and white combination of color for making every object clearly visible to the eye. Moreover, if the layout doesn’t compliment this color approach, then don’t go for colors that exhibit glittering affects. Instead, stick with a plain yet soothing combo.